Minggu, 26 April 2009


E-procurement (electronic procurement) is the B2B in purchase and sale of supplies, work and services through the internet as well as other information and networking systems, such as EDI and ERP. Typically, e-procurement Web sites allow qualified and registered users to look for buyers or sellers of goods and services. Depending on the approach, buyers or sellers may specify costs or invite bids. Transactions can be initiated and completed.

E-procurement software may make it possible to automate some buying and selling. Companies participating expect to be able to control parts inventories more effectively, reduce purchasing agent overhead, and improve manufacturing cycles. E-procurement is expected to be integrated with the trend toward computerized SCM. Well-managed e-procurement helps reduce inventory levels. Knowing product numbers, bid prices and contact points can help businesses close a deal while other suppliers are struggling to gather their relevant data.

In order to implement and firmly establish such a solution successfully in the enterprise, it is essential that the eProcurement system offers an easy interface, allowing all participants in the supply chain including suppliers, manufacturers and buyers to participate in the system.


  • Reduce operational cost (e.g : building rent, paper usage). E-procurement even can run from home.
  • Well-control inventory level.
  • Efficient search of products and alternative choice.
  • Shorter order and delivery time.
  • Monitoring of the suppliers and their product portfolio.
  • Electronic purchase order completion in back-end system.
  • Improved procurement process automation and control.
  • Lowered cost of supplier participation.

Additional resources:

Rabu, 08 April 2009

Stages to Build a Small Retailer Website

  • How the website appears to the customer. User-friendly website will help the retail company get more user visiting its website.
  • How is the website is going to be accessed (via intranet or internet).
  • What applications or modules exist in the website. Since it is a retail company, it should include a transactional module or application (for example: CRM, online ordering, payment, etc.)

  • How to find resources to construc the website in the effective both time and cost. (for example: assign IT dept to build the website, or outsourcing). Whoever will construct the website, must know the detail business process of a retail business.
  • What kind of development technology will be used to build the website (for example: programming language, database).
  • Provide detail and updatable information in the website, especially product information and how to contact the authorized user or administrators of the website.


  • Use a simple domain name that can be easily remembered by visitor.
  • How the website is going to be host and can be fit in with the company budget. (Locally, internationally, etc.)


  • Back up all data regularly.
  • Update all necessary information in the website (product information, promotion, special discounts, etc).

Rabu, 01 April 2009

Meta Service Definition:

Meta Service is a customer administrative system of a wireless communications system is interfaced with one or more system database network elements to support single command meta-service activation and management tasks. In this regard, a meta-service comprises a package of individual services. An agent is included in the interface to process single meta-service command for handling by the database network elements. The database network elements supporting the individual services implicated by the meta-service command are identified and are issued appropriately formatted, device specific commands for effectuating the meta-service activation or management task. In the event that each implicated database network element cannot successfully complete the requisite meta-service activation or management task, the service provision state of each implicated database network element is rolled-back to a service provision state prior to receipt of the meta-service command.

Source: http://www.freepatentsonline.com/6199066.html

Meta Service is concept of which describes a way of abstracting and mapping a workflow to a service in computational Grid environments. By using Meta services, a workflow in a Grid environment could adapt various service concepts such as Grid services, Web services, and portal services without modification to the workflow. And the converted Meta services could be shared and reused by users. Furthermore, historical performance data could be included in the Meta service, making effective execution of the workflow possible.

Source : http://www.springerlink.com/content/pkqa55qau70k2b2n/


Website gudangmobil.com adalah sebuah situs online yang menyediakan jasa dalam mempromosikan atau mengiklankan mobil-mobil yang dijual melalui media internet. Gudangmobil.com selaku pihak ketiga membantu para penjual mobil dalam mempromosikan mobil mereka dengan informasi detail secara online sehingga terjangkau dan dapat dengan cepat dilihat oleh masyarakat yang ingin membeli mobil di berbagai daerah. Dengan kata lain, gudangmobil.com membantu mempertemukan penjual mobil dengan para calon pembelinya.

Mobil-mobil yang dipromosikan di website ini terdiri dari berbagai macam jenis, tahun, merk, dan kondisi. Keuntungan yang ditawarkan oleh gudangmobil.com kepada penjual mobil adalah mobil yang mereka iklankan dapat dengan cepat dilihat dan diakses oleh banyak orang, dengan tarif pemasangan iklan yang lebih murah. Sedangkan bagi para calon pembeli dapat dengan mudah memilih dan mencari mobil-mobil yang mereka inginkan lengkap disertai dengan informasi kontak penjualnya, harga, kondisi, dan foto-foto dari mobil tersebut.

Kompetitor utama dari gudangmobil.com adalah mobilbekas.com. Keunggulan gudangmobil.com dari kompetitornya adalah, desain (tampilan) websitenya sangat user friendly. Dimana tiap-tiap segmen atau menu tertata dengan baik dan dapat ditemukan oleh para browser internet dengan mudah (tidak membingungkan).

Marketplace Position
gudangmobil.com menempatkan posisinya sebagai pihak ketiga yang menyediakan jasa mempromosikan mobil-mobil bekas sehingga membantu para penjual mobil dalam mengiklankan atau mempromosikan mobil-mobil mereka, dengan kata lain gudangmobil.com tidak memiliki produk sendiri.

Revenue Model
Gudangmobil.com menghasilkan revenue dari tarif pemasangan iklan mobil-mobil para penjual, dan mereka tidak menarik komisi dari tiap-tiap transaksi jual beli mobil. Rekomendasi: gudangmobil.com mengembangkan jasa promosi nya tidak hanya terbatas pada mengiklankan mobil-mobil bekas, namun juga pada aspek lain seperti menyediakan jasa promosi (iklan) bagi para pelaku usaha penyedia suku cadang dan aksesoris mobil yang jumlahnya sangat banyak.

Commercial Model
Fixed price untuk tiap mobil yang diiklankan. Rekomendasi : Menerapkan berbagai macam tarif pemasangan iklan sesuai dengan berapa lama calon penjual ingin mengiklankan mobilnya di website tersebut.

Business to Business (B2B).